Monday, September 24, 2007

Parker's First Homework Assignment

So Parker is turning in his first homework assignment two weeks late. One week he got an excused absence because we were out of town but the second week is Mommy's fault. He had to decorate a leaf for the class' family tree and include a picture of our family. Here's a picture of Parker hard at work.

Couldn't resist adding a cute picture of Maryn. If you know anything about my dad who used to pick us up at the airport in Charlotte wearing his cowboy boots, duster and hat, you know who gave her this t-shirt! And her first pair of cowgirl boots!! They're still a little big but so adorable.


The Martin Family said...

I sure do love that little side sipper! But I am a bit upset that his homework is two weeks late. I have a feeling that his mother would not have accepted such excuses back in her teaching days! That little cowgirl is pretty cute herself! Maybe you can do a western themed Christmas card! Papa sure would love that!

yellowbritches said...

a lot to be said about those cute cowgirls. cannot wait to see a pic with her boots on. wish someone had gotten a pic of Ford wearing that "Thirsty Cowboy" hat

Grandma said...

Both Parker and Maryn are so adorable! However, I'm with the Martin family...I can't believe you were two weeks late on Parker's homework. Totally unaccepatable!