Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First Attempt

So my sister-in-law, Sarah, started her own blog about two weeks ago and then the pressure was on. So here it is. This will be, hopefully, much easier than updating our picture web page which will make many family members very happy. So I will continue to post on the blog as long as said family promises not to pressure me for more!!

Right now we are in Seattle visiting my dad and Debbie. Parker, Maryn, Sarah, Ford and I flew out with them on Sunday. It went really well but was one of the longest days ever! Daddy had to rent a stretch Excursion to bring us all to their house. It was quite a site trying to load three carseats, luggage and babies into the car.

It has taken about two days and much fussiness from Parker to get everyone on a good sleep schedule. The last two mornings were very early, about 4 am! Today we reached a normal hour of 7. Parker's morning routine involves getting the paper with Papa, waking Dede up, and watering flowers.

Babies, Ford and Maryn, having a snack.

Maryn watches big brother out the window as he waters the flowers.

Photo shoot on the grassy knoll.

Hope you enjoy!


The Martin Family said...

I ADORE my nephew and niece!!! I think they are the most precious kids in the world. I have loved every second of spending time with them in Seattle!

tidetchr said...


Thanks for keeping in touch. The kids are darling.

Lisa Hilarides

yellowbritches said...

and Parker is such the great helper!