Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Obviously December was not a month for posting

So here is the main reason for the lack of posts...

Meet Baby Pizza. This is what Parker has called the baby since we told him that he was going to be a big brother again. Thankfully Pizza is a gender neutral name. This was an ultrasound from last Thursday, Dec. 27. I was 11 weeks and 6 days pregnant at that point and am due July 11. I have been felling really well for the past week now but have been really tired since I found out I was pregnant. Thus the lack of posts. My normal blogging time is when the kids are napping and now their nap time is my nap time. So there you have it. We are having another baby. 3 kids 3 and under. Wow.


yellowbritches said...

and what wonderful news! I got a huge kick out of your statement with "this is the last call like this that'll you'll be getting". congrat s to you both. and here's to a most festive pizza!

Hutchie said...

Congratulations! We couldn't be happier for you and I can't wait to meet all three of the Ray kiddos. Love K&M

The Martin Family said...

We love PIZZA!!!!! I can't wait to meet my neice or nephew...I know that little baby will be so precious! July can't come fast enough!

Grandma said...

Triple the fun!