A couple of Sunday pictures. Why will they never look at the camera at the same time with a smile? How hard can it be??
Can you believe I am already writing another post? This pregnancy has been fine but I have been really tired up until about a week ago. My OB was not faxing my thyroid results to my regular doctor's office (I have hypothyroidism.) so I had to take it over there myself. My doctor upped my medication so I think that has really helped. And I went ahead and started taking iron pills for anemia- which I usually get when I am pregnant- so I think those two things have really helped with my energy level.
The countdown begins for Parker's birthday. He turns 3 next Sunday and then his party is the following Saturday, the day after Mark's next big exam. All Parker is asking for is the "cleaning trolley."
If you know Parker at all you know he loves to clean. His favorite toy for a long time has been his vacuum cleaner. The vacuum has been with us to the beach, to Auburn... it provides hours of entertainment. Well, the cleaning trolley might rival the vacuum. He saw it in a catalog in January and has still not forgotten about it. It came on Friday and is in the garage. I think I would officially be the worst mom in the world if I had not gotten it for him. And we also ordered him a play coffee maker from the same company. Another of Parker's favorite past times is to use an old coffee maker we have to put grounds in and some water and make me some coffee. I'll let you know how these gifts go over!
What, you might ask, is this contraption? The conversation went something like this...
me: Parker, what is that?
Parker: a car transport
me: oh, of course. a car transport. (you know the big trucks that carry cars to the dealerships...)
Since this initial invention we have made improvements such as putting the baby doll stroller on top. Parker has been pushing it around the house all weekend. Very creative.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A New Post Already!!
Posted by
The Rays
3:02 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I've Been Tagged
Guess I had better get started on this new post since Sarah tagged me days ago. But I've been busy!! Mostly shopping for Thomas the train additions to our collection. AC Moore was having a sale, buy one get one free and on Monday my friend Meg and I went to stock up for upcoming birthdays, Christmas, etc. They also had a 55% off coupon in the Sunday paper. Now usually you can't use those with other sales but they missed that somehow in their computer system. So I went to the register with a $27 Useful Engine Shed and $27 set of construction trains expecting to pay $27 (buy one get one) and the cashier asked if I had any coupons. Being the honest person that I am I said I didn't think I could use them with the sale and she said let's check. So we did. $13!!! And Meg got $130 worth of merchandise for $35!!! We were ecstatic! Alas, today they wised up (is that correct?? Abby??) and discovered people were basically ripping them off so we were only able to do buy one get one free. But who is to argue with that? So Ford is now getting started on his train set as I got some things for Sarah.
On to the tagging...
What was I doing 10 years ago? I was a sophomore at Auburn in secondary math education, studying hard (ha!! late night trips to Tiger Time with Abby for cheese grits and chocolate shakes kept much studying from happening) and getting ready to be engaged. Mark had already bought the ring and would torture me by getting it out and looking at it in front of me without showing me. We've obviously never been good at keeping secrets from each other so I knew it was coming soon. Joseph graduated from high school at the end of May so Mark waited until June 1st to ask me.
5 things on my to do list today (which we will call tomorrow since tonight all I have to do is watch American Idol. Go David Cook!!)...
1. Petting zoo at Parker's preschool at 10
2. Lunch with Nicole after that
3. Visit with Andrea
4. Call and order Curious George stuff for Parker's birthday party
5. Cook dinner for my family- chicken crescent squares
5 snacks I enjoy...
1. CHOCOLATE!! dark not milk
2. Cheese-Its
3. Auntie Ann's pretzels at the mall
4. cookies
5. ice cream- preferably chocolate!
As you can see I am not a healthy eater, especially at 28 weeks pregnant.
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire...
1. Gift money to friends I have that are in need
2. Take the kids to Disney World (sure, we'll do this one day but sooner if we had lots of money!) with some friends and family
3. Fly family to visit me (and help out :) ) whenever possible
4. Give more to our wonderful but small and somewhat poor church- and to Djard's mission in Brazil that Mark helped with (does that need to be two separate things?)
5. Save for college and retirement (boring but necessary)
5 bad habits...
1. love, love to pick- my kid's ear wax, pimples, finger nails, etc. When Parker was a newborn he had a lot of dead skin on him from being born late so I would sit and nurse him and pick it all off. Poor kid!
2. complaining (just asked Mark to give suggestions... he said "I'm not touching that" After I said #2 he did say that crossed his mind... grrrr)
3. being too busy to sit and play with the kids
4. horrible eating habits
5. road rage- this is getting better since I've had kids and quit driving on the interstate as much since I'm not teaching downtown
5 places I have lived...
1. Brentwood TN
2. Hollifield Hall- 1st floor my freshman year and 2nd floor my sophomore year
3. Northpoint- subdivision in Auburn with duplexes with Susan Anderson and Anne Spencer, my freshman roommate who I got potluck and ended up being good friends with
4. Glen Haven apt. with Mark in Auburn when we were first married
5. 13631 Shiella Caruth Dr in Huntersville, our current home
5 jobs I have had...
1. Children's Shop in Nashville (creative name, huh) It was a kids boutique that I would never be able to afford now that I have kids. They paid me horribly but were only open until 5:30 and not on Sunday.
2. Hollifield Hall front desk answering phones and checking in visitors
3. Party Depot in Auburn- I had a lot of fun here especially when I got to do invitations
4. Piedmont Open Middle School- ah, the days of being a middle school math teacher. Sometimes I miss it, other times not so much.
5. tutoring math when Parker was a baby
I want to know more about...
1. Abby
2. my dad- since he never posts and this would be fun
3. Andrea (although your blog isn't really about this kind of stuff...)
4. Emily but I know she's got WAY too much going on right now so don't really do it :)
Those are all my friends that actually have a blog. Note to friends: Get a blog!!!
Posted by
The Rays
5:54 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Pizza Bear
Wednesday night we went to the mall to look for some dress shirts for Mark and decided to go to Build A Bear. Our friend Lilli made a bear for her baby brother Liam before he was born and I thought that was such a great idea. So we decided to let Parker pick something out and make it for the baby. He chose a dog that he named Bear. Only a 2 year old (almost 3!). At Build A Bear you can also buy a device that makes a sound to put in his paw that roars or makes whatever noise your animal makes. You can also record your own. We made a recording of Parker saying, "I love you, Baby Pizza." It is the sweetest thing you've ever heard!
We've been reading You're All My Favorites lately. Not sure the author. It's the cutest story about three little bears who each worry that their parents love the other bears better. The oldest is a boy who we have named Parker Bear. The next happens to be a girl, named Maryn Bear, of course. And the baby is a boy- we will have to get the author to rewrite us one for a third girl if this baby is a girl!- who we call Pizza Bear. So we have taken to calling the dog Pizza Bear. Hopefully this will suffice when the baby arrives and has to have a name other than Baby Pizza. And hopefully Parker will give up the dog.
Of course I forgot to bring my camera but he and Maryn had a great time. They had a bear in a stroller that Maryn just pushed around the store the whole time. She is going to get the baby a little lovie like her "babies" to give to Baby Pizza. So a fun night at the mall for the Ray family. Coming soon... my answer to Sarah's tag but I had to get this done first. And it really does fulfill Sarah's purpose anyway, to move the Easter post down from the top!
Posted by
The Rays
7:24 AM