Monday, May 30, 2011


As usual its been a while... here are a few pictures of what we've been up to.

This is how Emma spent a lot of her time in her two year old class. Her teachers were always so excited when she had a good day. Hopefully this won't happen next year!

Easter Parade

School Easter Egg Hunt

For spring break we took a trip to Auburn and Dothan. The kids and I had a blast!

Maybe Parker has a future in long jumping??

Emma and Baby Duncan, not so much a baby anymore!

For Parker's birthday we took Cam and Carter, Parker's two best friends, to play putt putt. They had a great time. I think their favorite part was that the last hole was a toilet that you hit your ball into and it flushes. Boys!

Our soccer player

Diet Coke and Mentos experiment at Parker's birthday

TK Graduation


Grandma said...

Loved the update! Great pictures; especially loved the last one of you and the kids! Thanks for sharing and keep it up! Love you!

yellowbritches said...

goodness gracious, a new post! fabulous! and great pics as well! the chillren are certainly getting big. and athletic. but the first pic with Emma is a hoot. thanks for updating and will look forward to your next post. maybe from Richmond???