Saturday, January 30, 2010

Christmas with Papa and Dede

Papa and Dede came for a few days the weekend before Christmas. We had a great time reading books, eating good food, a little Christmas shopping, and wrapping presents.

This was so long ago I don't even remember what Maryn and Dede were cooking...

All of my children have been side sippers. They don't want to miss anything that's going on so they have to drink from the side.

Parker and Maryn dressed up as fire people when we had an unexpected visit from the fire department. Our carbon monoxide detector was going off which is attached to our alarm system. That automatically sends the fire department out. The kids were excited to see fire fighters and even got to go sit in their truck.

A Christmas morning mess. It's just not Christmas without a picture like this!

Parker got the castle he had asked for.

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yellowbritches said...

what wonderful pics. those are some excellent firefighters. brings back some fabulous memories

Wifey & Hubs said...

yay! jray back in blog action! cute kiddos friend..