Monday, June 8, 2009

A Quick Post

Parker's class at Bike Day. He is on the far right. If you click on the picture it should make it bigger.

Parker and Dylan on their tricycles. They have both since moved to "big boy bikes" and now look so much older.

How big is Emma? Almost 11 months old. Still not walking but crawls like a mad woman. She has her two bottom teeth and is working hard for the top two.

Yes, that is my 34- almost 35- year old husband on the slip-n-slide. Parker was a little timid so Daddy was showing him how to do it. (or just secretly wanted an excuse)

Easter babies

I promise (Sarah and Daddy) to get beach pictures up later this week.


yellowbritches said...

but we'll be most happy with these pics in the meantime! and need some pics of Parker on his big boy bicycle! many thanks for keeping me off the ledge and serious withdrawal