Saturday, June 13, 2009

Beach Bag

So I know I promised beach pictures... and they will come but in the mean time I just saw this on a blog I look at from time to time.

Does anyone have this bag or another great beach bag? Ours is on its last leg and I was thinking about getting one because we have been making many trips to the pool this summer. This one looks great but I am not a fan of the $160 price tag. Listen to all of the great things it has!! Removable backpack straps to better wrangle kids with free hands, elastic straps on the outside to hold a towel, insulated pouch for snacks and juice, zippered bottom so you can shake out the sand without removing EVERYTHING from the bag (who thought of that?? what a great idea!), a special padded pocket for cell phone or camera...

So who has another fantastic beach bag that costs AT LEAST half, preferably much less??


yellowbritches said...

hmmmm. maybe put it on your birthday list?

The Rays said...

but dad september is not a very good time for a beach bag... early birthday present??

yellowbritches said...

but a classic anytime of the year!