Monday, March 15, 2010

Parker Riding His Bike

Parker learned to ride his bike without training wheels this past weekend. Mark worked with him a lot on it. He was starting to get the hang of it on Saturday and by Sunday he was pretty much doing it on his own. Today Mark and Parker rode about 1/2 mile around the block.

Short video:

Longer version:


Grandma said...

We are so impressed Parker! Especially with that good stop; Grandpops really liked that! Have fun and be careful. Love you.

The Martin Family said...

I have tears in my eyes...he's not big enough to do this! Way to go, buddy! We are so proud of you!!!!!

yellowbritches said...

my goodness. what a big boy he's getting to be. really liked the water break on the longer version. and what a great workout for you and Mark. 1 down and 2 to go!please tell Parker how proud of him Dede and Papa are!

Ben and Emily Wells said...

Is he seriously old enough to do that? I think I was closer to 12 or something. Great job Parker! So sweet!