Monday, December 7, 2009

Gingerbread House

I have never done a gingerbread house with the kids before. This is the first Christmas I felt like it was something I could try since the kids were older- and I have help! Mary Sue is here for the week!!

We iced the house. I think more icing was consumed than used on the house. Maryn is the queen of sugar!! (I guess she comes by that honestly...)

Parker hard at work.

Emma was really enjoying herself!

Sorry for the color but Mark was messing around with the camera.

Finished product. Not too bad!! I can't wait until the kids are old enough to do their own- mainly so I can do one by myself!!


Our family said...

So fun!!! Maryn looks JUST like you in the picture of her decorating the house. Your house turned out really cute and I am sure your kids had lots of fun!

yellowbritches said...

how about these for ramblins? more great pics. and a fabulous one of Emma. am so glad that Mary Sue is there. am also always impressed that you are constantly thinking of things to get the children involved. Maryn sure has a head of hair.

Wifey & Hubs said...

How fun! How much was eaten in the process? ;) Love the blue/brown combo!! EW

ashleywheatley said...

so fun! i loved doing that growing up with my mom!! and your mil is the best!!

Lauren said...

what a good looking gingerbread house!